Saturday, October 20, 2012

Godzilla Birthday Party

This year Ty has been really in to watching the Godzilla cartoon on Netflix.  So he wanted his 5th birthday cake to be Godzilla.  (Birthday parties really were easier when I picked the theme...)  So anyway, here's the highlights of the party.

For anyone's nearly impossible to find a whole watermelon in October.  Let me give a HUGE thumbs up to Meijer's produce department!


Ty got a lot of Spiderman toys and legos

This is his present from Mammaw with Jasper and Cassie (my mom) that he said was his favorite gift.  It's a toy rifle with an inflatable deer decoy to shoot at.  He is his father's son.
Here are his Godzilla shoes from Mommy and Daddy.

And his spy glasses from Mommy and Daddy.  He has been playing "spy" a lot lately, so we thought he needed some official gear.  He wore them to bed for about 3 nights after his party.  He also got the video game "Skylanders" from his buddy, Stephen.  He says the deer is his favorite present, but he's played with Skylanders the most out of all his gifts.

Here he is shooting the deer....with a Spiderman glove on!

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