Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Meeting Santa

We had Christmas at Justin's grandparents' house this past weekend. Every year they have Santa come to hand out the stockings. So this was Ty's first ever experience sitting on Santa's lap, and I'm happy to report that he didn't seem too freaked out. No crying or anything like that.

Here's me getting "Baby Barnhart's" stocking. Poor Shirley was so upset that we wouldn't tell her his name so she could sew it on his stocking this year.

Ty and his distant cousin Jackson had a fun time playing elephants. Ty pretended that Aunt Kaygan was his elephant and Justin was Jackson's elephant (Jackson is 4 and too heavy for Kaygan), and they made countless trips up and down the hallway with kids on their backs. Fortunately, Mommy has a good excuse right now to opt out of elephant duty and be the photographer instead.

After we got home from Shirley's we started decorating our tree at home. I was so excited to have Ty's help this year. He had a good time with it for about the first 15 minutes or so (typical 2 year old) and then lost interest. It was after his bedtime anyway, so off to bed he went while Mommy finished up.

Ty's decorating handiwork...

And I had to throw this one in for good measure just because I think it's adorable...

Ty's Abstract Art

Ty has recently figured out how to take pictures with my camera (thus the reason Santa is going to be bringing him his own "kid tough" camera this year for Christmas.) When I was downloading my newest batch of pictures I found these on there and it just cracked me up. Here are some examples of his artwork...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Introducing ?????? Barnhart

Thanks to Justin's sweet-talking abilities, we were able to have a 3-D ultrasound done for free at the hospital he is building in Lebanon. I guess it's lucky for me that the radiology girls like him. Sooo, here's our first portrait of our new little guy.

Of course he had to have his hands in front of his face the whole time, so it was difficult to get a full face shot, but we felt like these turned out pretty well overall. In the picture above I think he's rubbing his face with his hand and sort of pulling down on his lower lip. His nose definitely looks like Ty's. What a couple of cuties I'm going to have!!!

And to all those inquiring minds out there: YES we DO know his name, but WE'RE NOT TELLING!! Hahaha!