Saturday, August 31, 2013


As hard as it is for me to believe that Ty is old enough to be in school and have homework, here is the proof.  His first night doing homework!
For Dallas's "homework" he went on a safari with Daddy and came back with a praying mantis, which he calls a "pre-nanis."  He speaks so well I just love it when he mispronounces things.  It's so cute and reminds me that he's still little.

My First Home Grown Watermelon

Here's my very first ripe home-grown watermelon.  I don't like watermelon, so I didn't have any, but the boys seemed to enjoy it.


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dallas's First Day in the Three's Class

Here is Dallas all ready to go to preschool on his first day in the Threes class. His new teacher's name is Mrs. Kim. He did a great job staying there without Ty. It went much better than I expected. He is such a sweet little guy (but ornery as they come.) I'm so proud of him!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

This is Why Daddy is More Fun Than Mommy

Ellie wanted to come over and play with the boys after church this week. I went to the grocery and when I came back, this is what was going on. Daddy pulling them in crates behind the tractor. Mommy never thinks of fun things like that.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Yeah, That's Right, I Grew That Corn!

The First Day

Here's my little dude all ready to go on his very first day of school. He is so proud of his Skylanders bookbag. We bought it a couple of weeks ago and he was dying to take it to preschool but I told him he had to wait til he started kindergarten. But I finally caved and let him take it on his official last day of preschool so he could show all his friends there. 

Daddy stayed home from work that morning so he could go with us. 
Here is Ty talking to Miss Koesters. After talking to her he turned around to us, gave us hugs and said, "Bye."  Like...ok, you can go now. I made him pose for one last picture in front of his class' bulletin board and then he walked on in with no crying at all. From Ty, at least....

The one positive thing to Ty starting school is that now I will have one on one time with Dallas on Wednesdays. We've never really gotten one on one time like I had with Ty, so I am excited about that. This week, Ellie and Jack came over to play. 

Ty was so excited to ride the bus. I was nervous about it, but he did great and said all the kids on the bus were nice. He asks every morning now if he gets to ride the school bus today. We'll see how long that lasts...  I'll have to remind him of that in the 8th grade.