Tuesday, December 15, 2015

All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth

Dallas finally lost both his upper middle teeth.

And Ty minus his upper side teeth.  Hopefully, his middle two won't be far behind...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Toothless Boys

Dallas totally looks like a hillbilly missing his left front tooth.  The other front tooth isn't going to be in there long, so that he can ask Santa for his two front teeth for Christmas.

We have been waiting for what seems like forever for Ty to lose any of his front upper teeth.  Finally, he lost one on the side.  The school nurse pulled it out after it started bleeding in class.  Ty was very proud of himself because evidently you get your name on a wall if you lose a tooth at school.  The tooth fairy had a har time getting to our house and she hadn't come yet when Ty woke up at around 5am.  Luckily, he fell back asleep and she was able to make it before morning. WHEW! :)

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Grandma Shirley's Pumpkin Carving

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Trick or Treat Smell My Feet

Toothless and Frankenstein
This year Halloween was on a Saturday, so we decided to make an early start on Trick or Treating.

Trick or Treating with Harry...He didn't have any candy.

This year we walked around Trista's neighborhood with Ellie and Jack so the kids could do a little "normal" trick or treating.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Spooktacular Time

October 25, 2015
 We spent the day at Conner Prairie.  Considering how Ty has been in to all things old-timey lately, we thought he'd enjoy it.  Here we are riding the big balloon.  Ever his mother's son, you can see in the above picture how happy Ty was about it.

 On the ascent, both of them got a little freaked out because it was pretty windy and the balloon was blowing around some.  So here they are clinging to legs.

 Eventually, both of them got over it and enjoyed the ride.

 Here's Ty learning his latest survival skill....hatchet throwing.

 After he was done, he asked if he could have a practice area set up in the back yard for learning to throw hatchets.
 Dallas got to throw a stick since you have to be 8 in order to throw the hatchet.

 Daddy got a bulls eye on his first try.

 Beeswax candle making...right up my alley.

Headless Horseman

 Dallas and Jack decided it was too much trouble to wait for sacks and just went down on their butts.

Dallas kept telling Ellie to have a "Spooktacular time" the whole night.  Then he'd go, "Get it?  Cuz it's Halloween, and everything's spooky??"

Dallas was scared through the first half of the hayride, but then once he got comfortable admitted that it was a little fun to get scared he perked right up.  We got to sit right in the back of the wagon, right where the headless horseman rides up....best seats in the house!