Thursday, October 28, 2010


10/24/2010We took the boys on this train in Connersville with Grandma and Grandpa.

The train went from the station to a "pumpkin patch" (which, to be entirely honest, left quite a bit to be desired) where we took a hayride and picked out pumkins.

Here's usually what happens when I try to get both boys to hold still for a picture.
Second attempt...
Overall, we had a great time and this was definitely worth the drive. After months of drought, it decided to rain on this particular day. I said a little prayer on the way there that we would have a dry window just long enough for us to go on the hayride to and from the pumpkin patch. (We brought umbrellas, but just imagine trying to simultaneously wrangle an umbrella and a 9 month old...I wasn't looking forward to it.) And my prayer was answered!! We didn't get rained on at all until we got off the train and were headed to the car! Ty had a great time riding the train. We're going back in December for the Polar Express ride and are really looking forward to it!

Stories from Mommy's Days Off

One day I was trying to get Ty to take a nap, and he kept getting out of bed and playing with his toys (as is our daily routine). After a little while he came out to the living room, and I snapped at him to go get in bed. Then he said, "But, Mommy, there's a man in my room" to which I said, "Ummm...Whaaaaa???" So we went into his room and here's the man.

This is the first time he has drawn something recognizable and I was so proud! However, the down side to this is he drew it inside the cover of one of his hard bound books. I wasn't too happy about that, but it was so cute I couldn't get too upset about it. I put a date on the picture in the book so one day I can show it to his kids and say, "Look at what a great artist your daddy is."

On my days off my routine is to take my shower when Dallas takes his morning nap, which is usually around 10:00. Ty normally watches cartoons in my bedroom while I'm in the shower, and I take the monitor in the bathroom with me so that I can hear Dallas if he wakes up. On this particular morning, I'm just lathering away washing my hair and I hear Dallas start to cry, so I look on the monitor (we have a video monitor...the best invention EVER! Might be useful when they're teenagers too...haha) and Ty is IN DALLAS' BED jumping up and down! So I jump out of the shower and go running in Dallas' room all sopping wet and poor Dallas is standing at the edge of the bed looking at me like, "What in the world is going on, Mommy?!" So I yanked Ty out of there and put him in time out! Later that day I put Ty down for his nap. He finally went to sleep and Dallas was crawling around the house playing. I was walking around cleaning up and realized I hadn't heard Dallas in a couple minutes so I went to find him and where is he?? He's in Ty's room hitting Ty upside the head with his hand and giggling. I run in there to get him and Ty raised up his head and looked at me with the same look Dallas had given me earlier! It was so stinkin' funny! I guess Dallas is learning how to get back at his brother already!

This picture is from a different day than from the story above, but it just goes to show that Ty loves getting in Dallas' bed. Now when I get in the shower I make sure to tell him to stay out of Dallas' room.

Playing in the leaves

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ty's 3!!

This year Ty had a fisherman party.

Enjoying his birthday cake

Enjoying his brother's birthday cake

The official kids' hideout.

Except for one kid who's too little for hideouts

The peanut gallery

This is a Thomas the Train hideout from Ty's buddy, Stephen. It has not left his bed since the night of the party.

"the claw" from Grandma and Grandpa

fire truck from Aunt Trista

New fishing pole from Mommy and Daddy

little bike from Mammaw

And the finale...his first big boy bike from Mommy and Daddy.
Notice that he has no helmet. We have yet to be able to find one that will fit on his head.
Hope you had a great birthday, little man! Mommy and Daddy love you!
And quit growing up so fast!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Festivities

Here is Ty roasting a weenie with his great grandma Shirley Mae at the annual Farr pumpkin carving.

Ty's really in to doing everything himself lately, so he really wanted to just go to town on his pumpkin with the knife. But Daddy stepped in and helped.
My little dudes hangin' out with their mommy.
The Headless Horseman at Conner Prairie
We've never taken the boys to anything even remotely "scary" before so this was an experiment. We went with Trista and Elisha, Mom and Ada and Owen.

I took this picture of us on the "Headless Horseman" hayride. I think that's pretty good to get 4 people into a picture when you can't see where you're aiming the camera. I was a little nervous that Ty was going to freak out on the hayride because we sat right in the back where the headless horseman rides right up next to you, but he wasn't scared at all. He's such a big boy now...being scared is for babies, you know. (Although, Dallas wasn't scared either. He was too preoccupied trying to eat the hay to pay any attention to the large headless man and his horse.) After the ride was over Justin asked Ty if he had fun and he said yes and that he liked being scared.

After the Headless Horseman, Ty and Dallas went to Mammaw's house with Ada and Owen for a cousins sleepover!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Dallas Gets a Haircut

Below are just a few examples of Dallas' wild-man Einstein hair.

The first haircut is hard for Mommies because it unofficially signals the end of the little baby days and starts toddlerhood. When Ty was a baby I put off getting his hair cut until after he was 1. I intended to do the same with Dallas, but his hair is so wild it just started driving me crazy. Granted, it was very cute, but it was starting to get out of control. Plus, he had been called a girl 3 times on account of it. Like any red-blooded American male, Justin was having none of that. to Cookie Cutters we went.
He got his first haircut on 10/8/10...exactly 9 months old.
This is the same chair where Ty got his first haircut.
He liked it about as much as Ty did.

Blowing bubbles as a distraction.

The finished product. What a handsome little boy.
After the haircut, we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. YUMMY!!