Monday, October 11, 2010

Dallas Gets a Haircut

Below are just a few examples of Dallas' wild-man Einstein hair.

The first haircut is hard for Mommies because it unofficially signals the end of the little baby days and starts toddlerhood. When Ty was a baby I put off getting his hair cut until after he was 1. I intended to do the same with Dallas, but his hair is so wild it just started driving me crazy. Granted, it was very cute, but it was starting to get out of control. Plus, he had been called a girl 3 times on account of it. Like any red-blooded American male, Justin was having none of that. to Cookie Cutters we went.
He got his first haircut on 10/8/10...exactly 9 months old.
This is the same chair where Ty got his first haircut.
He liked it about as much as Ty did.

Blowing bubbles as a distraction.

The finished product. What a handsome little boy.
After the haircut, we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse. YUMMY!!

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