Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fall Fish Fry

Sept 27, 2015
making handprint monsters

making spiders and webs


finishing handprint monsters

finding pumpkins for scavenger hunt

finding the hidden treasure

This is one of my very favorite events of the year.  We are very blessed to have such a wonderful family!
Dallas somehow ended up with an irritated eye after pictures.  So he hung out with Collin and Audrey's new one-eyed dog, Greta, for a kindred spirit.  

Mountain Men

Ty has developed a fascination with one of my favorite shows, "Mountain Men."  He gets up every morning and watches it and turns it on as soon as he gets home from school.  The other day he started taking notes on how to be a mountain man because now that's what he wants to be when he grows up (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.)  Here's a translation of his notes....un-cock gun when walking, exercise, don't panic, work hard, catch food, have help, gather food, bring dogs, be careful, warm clothing, know what tracks are, try to be warm at night, listen at night, have to be fast at predators, bring spy camera just in case, have to be smart, bring stuff to camp, make a blowing horn and bring it, eat lots of meat, bring traps, need bait.