Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who's Who?

Big Jesus

Funny Ty story #2:
The pastor was finishing up his sermon this morning and making his final point, which was Big Jesus equals Big Faith. So quietly he said, "little Jesus equals little faith." Then he says very emphatically, "BIG JESUS..." and pauses for dramatic emphasis, and Ty chimes in with, "BIG JESUS" for the whole congregation to hear. After the laughter died down the pastor said, "Thanks, Ty. I'm glad someone is participating today!"

In Dallas updates...this week he has started laughing! So of course we've been tickling the poor kid like crazy trying to make him laugh. What a sweet sound. I have a decorative plate on my entertainment center that says, "The laughter of a child is the light of a house." How true. In less exciting news, he's currently battling a pretty challenging case of diaper rash. All the sudden last week he just broke out like crazy from his old diapers. We've switched to hypoallergenic (i.e. EXPENSIVE) diapers and loaded on the Desitin and Vaseline...not much luck so far. He's also got a break out on his scalp, which I believe is a cold sore that he got from me. For the past week, I've had the mother of all cold sores above my lip. I got it from Justin, so I was trying to be very careful about kissing Dallas so he wouldn't get it, but apparently it didn't work. Poor kid.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Spring pictures

Ty 2 1/2, Dallas 3 months

I was so pleased with how these pictures turned out. Usually Ty will cooperate for about 2 poses then he's not having it anymore. But this time he did everything the photographer asked him to do and he smiled to boot!

Poop Ice Cream

I really want to try to use this blog more to record funny things that the boys say or do during these times when they are young. My memory is awful, so I know I'll forget all the funny little stories from when they were little if I don't document them. I know that in the future when I look back on my life, if I could have one time in my life back to relive (not in order to go back and change things, just to relive a happy time in life) these next few years when my boys are little would be my first choice. So, in an effort to preserve these times for future reflection, here's my first funny Ty story...

Recently we've been making a concerted effort towards potty training Ty. So far we've not been having much luck, but we had a major breakthrough on the evening of April 12. He finally pooped for the first time in his potty seat. We were so excited and kept telling him what a good job he did and how he was such a big boy. So we gave him some ice cream as a reward. The flavor that we just happened to have on hand was some sort of chocolate fudge chunk something or other. I got Ty a bowl of it, and we sat down to have some. He looked in the bowl, looked at me with the funniest look on his face, and said, "Poop, Mommy." Justin and I about died. It was the funniest thing! Some reward, right?! After I regained my composure, I assured him it wasn't poop (although ironically it did bear a striking resemblance to what we had just flushed) and that it was OK for him to eat it, which he did happily...all the while repeating, "Poop ice cream." Ahh, how I love that kid....

Dallas' Baby Dedication 4/11/2010

Here are pictures from Dallas' baby dedication at church. Most of our family on both sides were able to make it, so that was very nice. When we went up to the front of the church and the pastor started talking, Ty yelled, "Hi, Mammaw!" It was pretty cute. Then he got bored with what the pastor was saying and started squirming. Justin put him down and he proceeded to run around on the stage during the majority of the dedication. Two year olds...what are ya gonna do???

We all went out to eat at Gray Brothers like we did after Ty's dedication. We all had a really good time together.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter 2010

Dallas' First Easter

Huntin' eggs in style...

Coloring Easter Eggs

Please note that Ty started off wearing pants....

...then after dumping the entire bowl of blue all over the table and down the front of his pants, he ended up in a diaper. We should have known better.

We ended up with some very funky eggs this year. Ty was putting each egg in a color for only 2 or 3 seconds before he'd take it out and put it in a different color. So we had a constant rotation of many different eggs in many different colors.

The finished product...Luckily Ty loves to eat hard boiled eggs.

Matching Boys

I used to hate it so much when I was little that my mom used to dress Trista and me in matching clothes, but now I can understand it a little. Justin thinks I'm crazy for dressing them alike and then following them around with a camera, but I can't help it. They're just soooo cute!!!