Saturday, April 24, 2010

Poop Ice Cream

I really want to try to use this blog more to record funny things that the boys say or do during these times when they are young. My memory is awful, so I know I'll forget all the funny little stories from when they were little if I don't document them. I know that in the future when I look back on my life, if I could have one time in my life back to relive (not in order to go back and change things, just to relive a happy time in life) these next few years when my boys are little would be my first choice. So, in an effort to preserve these times for future reflection, here's my first funny Ty story...

Recently we've been making a concerted effort towards potty training Ty. So far we've not been having much luck, but we had a major breakthrough on the evening of April 12. He finally pooped for the first time in his potty seat. We were so excited and kept telling him what a good job he did and how he was such a big boy. So we gave him some ice cream as a reward. The flavor that we just happened to have on hand was some sort of chocolate fudge chunk something or other. I got Ty a bowl of it, and we sat down to have some. He looked in the bowl, looked at me with the funniest look on his face, and said, "Poop, Mommy." Justin and I about died. It was the funniest thing! Some reward, right?! After I regained my composure, I assured him it wasn't poop (although ironically it did bear a striking resemblance to what we had just flushed) and that it was OK for him to eat it, which he did happily...all the while repeating, "Poop ice cream." Ahh, how I love that kid....

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