Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wisconsin 2015

July 8-18, 2015
The boys did so well on the ride to and from Wisconsin this year.  I don't think they got in trouble for fighting one time either way.

I remember not long ago we would have to take the boys on a boat ride in the afternoon to get them to take their naps.  They don't nap anymore, but it was nice to see the boat ride still works on occasion.

Eagles were everywhere this year.  We found 2 eagles nests.

We got into a mess of nice perch on Twin Bear.  While everyone else was catching perch I decided to up the ante and hook a muskie on a rock bass I was reeling in.  He was a nice one, but I only got to fight him for a few minutes until he decided to spit the bass out.  Sure was fun though.  Maybe Justin's not all that crazy after all...nobody tell him though.

This picture cracks me up.  He just dropped that bass from the picture above right when Justin snapped it.
On the way home Justin and I were wondering what problems would be awaiting us.  It seems like there's always something that goes wrong when you're on vacation (like when we got home from Alaska and our deep freeze had shut off and we had to clean out a bunch of rotten meat).  Well when we got home, I went out in the back yard to check on the chickens and noticed that a small area of the pool liner was starting to come undone.  So Justin went in the house to get his swimming trunks on to get in to fix it and before he could get back out there the whole liner fell off the track and all the pool water gushed out from under the bottom of the panels into the yard.  It washed out all the sand and landscaping rocks around it and everything.  It's a huge mess!  Welcome home to us....

Fish Fry

July 4, 2015

Notice our nice new pool liner.  Justin and I installed that and after two very frustrating attempts that involved draining several thousand gallons of water out that we had just spent a whole day pumping in to the pool, we were finally successful...or so we thought.  More on that to come...

Visiting the bees

Captain America socks

roasting itty-bitty marshmallows

No Fourth of July would be complete without some baseball

Daddy and Uncle Collin's fireworks show

On the pool deck watching the fireworks across the field.  Ty and Dallas spent the night in the treehouse with Mammaw without Taloose (she has a new name now).