Monday, April 28, 2014

My Brave Boy

Dallas had his annual check up last week.  He was 39" tall and weighed 35 lbs.  He got 3 shots and he didn't cry at ALL.  Not even during the shots.  He did so well that Aunt Trista gave him a bravery certificate for a free shake at Steak N Shake.  So after his appointment, he and I went on a date.

Mending Fences

 The fence in our back yard was in pretty sad shape, so here are Dallas and Daddy putting in a new post for the new fence.

Daddy's Little Helper

Easter 2014

Coloring Eggs

Hunting Eggs at Grandma Shirley's

Ball Practice

Here's Ty at his first ever baseball practice.  He is on the Braves with his buddy, Cooper.
He's doing really well hitting, catching and throwing and is the fastest kid on his team!


Here's Dallas at his first Tee Ball practice.  He's doing very well also and is on the Mets with some of his friends from preschool, like Preston, Caleb and Easton.

We still haven't decided if he should do this left or right handed.