Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Spooktacular Time

October 25, 2015
 We spent the day at Conner Prairie.  Considering how Ty has been in to all things old-timey lately, we thought he'd enjoy it.  Here we are riding the big balloon.  Ever his mother's son, you can see in the above picture how happy Ty was about it.

 On the ascent, both of them got a little freaked out because it was pretty windy and the balloon was blowing around some.  So here they are clinging to legs.

 Eventually, both of them got over it and enjoyed the ride.

 Here's Ty learning his latest survival skill....hatchet throwing.

 After he was done, he asked if he could have a practice area set up in the back yard for learning to throw hatchets.
 Dallas got to throw a stick since you have to be 8 in order to throw the hatchet.

 Daddy got a bulls eye on his first try.

 Beeswax candle making...right up my alley.

Headless Horseman

 Dallas and Jack decided it was too much trouble to wait for sacks and just went down on their butts.

Dallas kept telling Ellie to have a "Spooktacular time" the whole night.  Then he'd go, "Get it?  Cuz it's Halloween, and everything's spooky??"

Dallas was scared through the first half of the hayride, but then once he got comfortable admitted that it was a little fun to get scared he perked right up.  We got to sit right in the back of the wagon, right where the headless horseman rides seats in the house!


The boys both got an excellent report at their parent teacher conferences, so we took them to Indulge for dinner and ice cream to celebrate.  Ty got all A's and one B+ on his report card!!

Apparently, the boys are doing more concentrating on their schoolwork than Justin and I did in high school....we were just concentrating on kissing according to Ty.

Ty got his first pair of glasses this past Thursday.  He is so excited about them.  He couldn't wait to wear them to Cub Scouts that night and to school the next morning!  Please overlook the crookedness....they need a little help from my optician!


Like I said earlier, Ty has been really REALLY interested in anything to do with mountain men or survival lately.  Man Vs. Wild is just about his favorite show right now.  Anyway, every day after school he comes home, grabs his coon skin cap and his survival pack and heads out to the field to play survival.  There's a tree in the back fence row that he climbs up and sits there and watches for animals and he even has a little stash of field corn under the tree that he can use for food in a real life survival situation.  HA!  Hopefully I don't have a little doomsday prepper on my hands.

Tuttle's Field Trip

October 21, 2015

Here's my crazy group of kids that I was in charge of.

Here's our guide, Joy.  She told us that we were going to learn all about apples and bees and how they help the apples grow.  Dallas told her he already knew all that about bees.

Lego Party

October 18, 2015
 Lego cakes

Ty made himself this birthday boy hat. 

 Ty and his buddies
 Here he is hogging the perch (again) that he requested for his party.

 He wanted an art case, which he got from my dad and Debbie.

 Collin got him a homemade mountain man kit and coon skin far the most used gift of the day!  Every day since he has put on his coon skin cap (aka "skunk hat" according to Ellie) and gone out into the back field on an adventure.

Here he is practicing some survival skills after his party....shooting the balloons from his party off of a branch of a tree.