Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stories from Mommy's Days Off

One day I was trying to get Ty to take a nap, and he kept getting out of bed and playing with his toys (as is our daily routine). After a little while he came out to the living room, and I snapped at him to go get in bed. Then he said, "But, Mommy, there's a man in my room" to which I said, "Ummm...Whaaaaa???" So we went into his room and here's the man.

This is the first time he has drawn something recognizable and I was so proud! However, the down side to this is he drew it inside the cover of one of his hard bound books. I wasn't too happy about that, but it was so cute I couldn't get too upset about it. I put a date on the picture in the book so one day I can show it to his kids and say, "Look at what a great artist your daddy is."

On my days off my routine is to take my shower when Dallas takes his morning nap, which is usually around 10:00. Ty normally watches cartoons in my bedroom while I'm in the shower, and I take the monitor in the bathroom with me so that I can hear Dallas if he wakes up. On this particular morning, I'm just lathering away washing my hair and I hear Dallas start to cry, so I look on the monitor (we have a video monitor...the best invention EVER! Might be useful when they're teenagers too...haha) and Ty is IN DALLAS' BED jumping up and down! So I jump out of the shower and go running in Dallas' room all sopping wet and poor Dallas is standing at the edge of the bed looking at me like, "What in the world is going on, Mommy?!" So I yanked Ty out of there and put him in time out! Later that day I put Ty down for his nap. He finally went to sleep and Dallas was crawling around the house playing. I was walking around cleaning up and realized I hadn't heard Dallas in a couple minutes so I went to find him and where is he?? He's in Ty's room hitting Ty upside the head with his hand and giggling. I run in there to get him and Ty raised up his head and looked at me with the same look Dallas had given me earlier! It was so stinkin' funny! I guess Dallas is learning how to get back at his brother already!

This picture is from a different day than from the story above, but it just goes to show that Ty loves getting in Dallas' bed. Now when I get in the shower I make sure to tell him to stay out of Dallas' room.

Playing in the leaves

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