Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ball Players

This was our first year for baseball.  Ty was on the Braves with his buddy, Cooper. 

He was by far the fastest kid on his team. His coach called him "hot wheels."  One of my favorite memories from this season is the game when Ty got to be last batter so he got to run all the bases when he would bat instead of just getting a single. Each time he would round third and pass the poor kid running in front of him because he said he was going too slow. 

Dallas's tee-ball team was the Mets. 

Here he is all ready to filed the ball. I won't lie, there was also a lot of playing I the dirt that went on. 
My favorite memory from Dallas's season was during his first game. He was fielding and he just randomly started walking off the field over to us. When we started to tell him that he couldn't just leave the field he said, "But I have to tell Mommy something."  Then he came over to me and said, "I love you, Mommy."  I'll let him leave the field any time for that. 

Iron River

July 11-20, 2014
Well, we made it back to ole Iron River after having to sit out last year. Woohooo!!  We had a pretty good year of fishing, although nobody caught any whoppers.  Dallas caught about a million blue gill over the week. 

There was plenty of fishing off the dock that went on. 

Here's Dallas's largemouth that he caught off our dock one morning. 

Uncle Collin's trolley to breakfast at Mammaw's cabin. 

The boys did a lot of bike riding and he three of them had a lot of fun putting on bike trick shows for me. 

She's still got it. 

Dirty Frog Catcher

Ninja moves 

The biggest northern caught all week....and on the last day.