Friday, July 10, 2009

What we've been up to the past month...

The past month or so has been packed full of this and that, traveling, working, parties, and oh yeah tiling the kitchen and bathroom. Here's an overview of the month of June and first part of July.

Indy Zoo with Ty's buddy Stephen 6/4/09

My friend from optometry school, Melinda Trager, and her son, Stephen, came to the zoo with us. We had an excellent time. It was in the low 70's and sunny that day so perfect zoo weather. The boys had a good time. Ty went to the zoo once last year, but he was really too little to know that he was seeing anything out of the oridnary. This year, we saw the dolphin show, giraffe feeding, and saw an elephant get a bath. They let people come up to pet the elephant afterward, so I took Ty up to the elephant, but he wouldn't touch it...big surprise.

Birthday Weekend at Collin's 6/6/09

The weekend after Collin and I had our birthdays, we all (Justin, me, Ty, my mom, Trista and Elisha) went down to KY to Collin and Audrey's property to help lay brick for the foundation for the cabin they are building. We had a good time of just hanging out, grilling and riding 4-wheelers (of course, the guys had a few hours of hard work in the very hot weather).

Family Getaway to Gatlinburg, TN 6/10-14/09

It just so happened that in mid June I had a stretch of 5 days off in a row, so Justin and I decided to get out of town for awhile, so we took Ty to Gatlinburg. We got into town on a Wed in the early evening, so we decided we'd hit some shops near our hotel in Pigeon Forge. The weather looked fine when we packed Ty up in his stroller and headed out. We went to a few places here and there, when all the sudden Justin said, "Look at the sky..." and before we knew it we were sprinting (including jaywalking and crossing against lights like crazy) with the stroller back to the hotel in the midst of lightning and thunder galore. I was so scared because Ty was out in that. But we all made it back in one piece. The next day we went to the Dixie Stampede, and Ty was absolutely enthralled...he LOVED IT!!! We went to the Ripley's Aquarium the next day. Ty liked it OK but there were TOO MANY PEOPLE in there. We also went to the Comedy Barn that day...pretty funny. The next day we had to come home, and prepare to go back to work...yuck. Oh yeah, I forgot about our little snag (see below)...good thing Justin's very handy.

Fifth of July Cookout

Justin decided that we should have our first official function out at the property be a 4th of July cookout. Well, it got rained we had it on the 5th, and it was a great time!! We had alot of people there from both of our families and we fished, played games, rode 4 wheelers and just hung out. I've decided to make it an annual tradition and re-instate the old "fish fry" that our family used to have on the 4th. I envision in the future having tons of people there from all sides of the family to eat, fish, explore the woods, play home run derby and mini golf with croquet sets and do fireworks...hope it works out like that. It sure would be nice to have a goal in Wisconsin for why we need to catch more fish...

Baby Barnhart

And now for pregnancy updates...I'm getting close to 14 weeks now, and have not really had too much in the way of nausea or morning sickness. The time for that should be over now, so I guess I'm in the clear of ever having to deal with morning sicknes...yeah. The baby is doing well. I had an ultrasound at my last dr visit and the baby measured 11w4d and heartrate was 163..everything is moving along as it should. As of now, my due date is somewhere around Jan 12, 2010. No real feeling yet on whether it's a boy or girl...should find out late next month.

baby 7 wks...

baby 11 wks..

1 comment:

  1. Too funny about the baby's due date! Addy was due 1/16 and was born on New Year's Eve - maybe they can share a bday!! I am glad to hear all is going well!!
