Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ty's First Trip to the Dentist

Ty had his first experience at the dentist on 12/10/09. I had a cleaning scheduled that day, so we decided to see if he would let them look at his teeth too. He let the hygienist put the bib on him and put the polisher in his mouth just for a second and then he'd had enough and just wanted his Mommy. So we decided to give him a break while Mommy got her teeth cleaned. He behaved pretty well while I was getting my cleaning but as any 2 year old does he got a little antsy after a while and the other girls in the office had to take him to find toys and crayons and such to keep him entertained. Then when it was time for the dentist to come in, Ty opened his mouth and let the dentist look in there for a few seconds. We're going to try again in 6 months and see how things go then.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the pictures don't stop once the second one comes around!

    Thanks for putting these up. I love looking at them
