Thursday, March 10, 2011

They're Growing up Fast

Here are a few updates on the boys:

Dallas is growing like a little weed. He's learned a couple of new words: ball and Dad (but I should note that his first word was Mom...thank you very much!) He's been walking for about 3 months now so he's got it down pat. He's also getting his one year molars right now. I think they'll all be in by the end of the week, bringing his total teeth count to 12.

Ty is becoming quite the little conversationalist. He says things every day that crack me up. Here are a few examples:
One morning when we woke up he climbed under the covers with Justin and said, "Dad, I need to talk to you." Justin said, "OK, what do you want to talk about?" Ty said, "Trees and barbeques."
Here's another conversation between Justin and Ty:
Justin: "I sure hope we can find that dude."
Ty: "Yeah. Hey, Dad, what is a dude?"
One morning I was letting him drink his cereal milk and he goes, "Mom, this is AWESOME!" He was eating a sucker one day and he kept repeating "This is delicious! He's very animated and I keep wondering where he's picking up all these words. Also, he can count to 15, spell his name and knows his birthday. Preschool in the fall.....

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