Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pearly Whites

For some reason, when the boys were brushing their teeth last night, it struck me as a moment I would want to remember.  So I had to run and grab my camera.  On a related note, all 4 of Dallas' 2 year molars came in last month, so we're officially done with teething.
Last night was Dallas' first night to sleep in his crib without the side on it, like a big boy.  He did great!  He stayed in bed all night after Justin tucked him in.  I can't believe he's old enough for this!

1 comment:

  1. Kerstin has been teething worse with her 6 year molars than she ever did. Ugh! I thought I was done! Love reading these & seeing these cuties! Aunt Weebie needs a visit!
