Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Garden 2013

Last year I started my seeds with a process called wintersowing, where seeds are started in mini-greenhouses made out of milk jugs.  It worked great, so I was going to do the same this year....but on a much larger scale.  Justin got a little tired of my milk jug hoarding and came across some extra material at work, so he took it upon himself to make me a greenhouse. 

So far I have started seeds for pumpkin, watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, spinach, cucumber, and brussels sprouts.  All of these are new plants for me this year, so we'll see what kind of luck I have.

These will be Moonflowers and Cupid's Dart (hopefully).

This is the garlic I planted in the garden in the fall.

Ty's Latest Feats

Not long ago, Ty mentioned that he wanted a remote conrol helicopter (like Uncle Elisha has), so he and Daddy counted up the money in his piggy bank.  What do ya know....he had enough to buy a helicopter!  28 whole dollars!!  When he plays with it he's sure to tell everybody that he is the boss of it because he bought it and to be careful because it was expensive.  He's quite the little pilot, I must say.  He's much better at flying it than I am.

Ty has been learning to read at school.  He has read his first 5 little books that he has brought home from school and can read sentences like "Meg got gum" and "Sam met Tom."  Last night he was doodling and wrote the word fox, bee (minus one e), dove, fit and fix.  YAY, TY!

Miscellaneous Silliness

Last summer I tried putting undies on Dallas, and it didn't go very well.  He has been making great progress in the potty training department lately, so we decided to give it another go.  He's been doing great and even going on his own with no help!  He's sure to tell us after he goes in the bathroom that he gets candy now. 

I'm off on Wednesdays now, and a few weeks back it was warm enough to go play outside for a little while.  Of course, we had to play Spiderman, but this time there was a new twist (literally).  I wish I could post this trick in video, but it's called a Spiderman Loop-da-loop.  It consists of hanging upside down and then flipping over as below.  Ty invented it himself.

My sweet boys watching cartoons