Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Baby is Literate

At preschool, Ty has been learning how to read.  About once a week, he brings home a book that he has to read to us and we return it to the teacher so he can get a reward (candy).  So far he has read 7 books to us.  So far most of what he is reading are three letter words and sentences like "Sam met Tom."  He's really starting to understand how letters work together to form words and tries to sound things out now.  The other day we were at the bank and he was sounding out "bank" to himself and asked me to help him spell it.  Then one morning he woke me up because he was trying to search for Batman on YouTube and he said, "Mommy, I need help.  I want to watch Batman and I accidentally spelled B-A-A instead of B-A-T (sounded out...he wasn't saying the letters.  He was saying "buh-ah-ta").  So it's really starting to really sink in.  I cannot believe he's going to be in kindergarten in 4 months.  I'm so proud of him, but it is breaking my heart to know that his preschool years are just about over.
The other day when I picked him up from school, I was flipping through his notebook and just couldn't resist documenting these drawings.  Every Friday they let the kids draw a picture and try to write out whatever they are thinking about that day.  Here are some of Ty's...

I found this one to be particularly interesting since every night at dinner it is such a fight to get him to eat.

Here he had asked me to help him sound out his whole name so that he could write it.  Just a little trouble with his last name, but overall a great job!
I'm not really sure what this is a picture of.  Lately he has been really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so maybe it's a ninja turtle.  Ty has a buddy at school named TJ and the other day he was watching Ninja Turtles and all the sudden he got really excited and said, "Hey, Mom, Ninja Turtles has TJ's name in it."  I said, "It does?"  He said, "Yeah, TJ Mutant Ninja Turtles!"hahaha!!

And, by the way, here are his two new teeth!

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