Friday, May 31, 2013

Fourth Annual Holiday World Trip

 Two buddies in line for the carousel

 Dallas' first roller coaster ride.  He didn't like it during the ride.  He kept saying, "Mommy, I'm scared."  But of course, as soon as it was over he was saying how fun it was.
 Ty and Daddy on the roller coaster

Here we are on the Raging River Rapids 

Hungry kids waiting for pizza

Hanging out around the campfire

Story time with Santa.  Owen was dying to do this.

Ty told Santa that he wants new wheels for his tractor for Christmas because they wore holes in the tires they have now.

Dallas said he wanted a four wheeler.  Apparently, he forgot that's what Santa brought him last year.

On the log ride

Movie time at the campsite

Weenie Roastin' 
Mallow Roastin'

Garden Progress

My very first ripe strawberry
As you can see, it didn't last long.


The Three Sisters...corn, beans, squash (pumpkin and spaghetti squash)


Garlic and Radishes

Strawberry Harvest #1

Strawberry Harvest #2

Strawberry Patch

Garden #3: Currently growing brussels sprouts, yukon gold potatoes, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and zucchini.

Little Boy Tea Party

This is how little boys play tea party.  With water in the back of a dump truck.  Dallas and I had a ball mixing up different kinds of tea and soup (his favorite was grass soup) in the back of his truck and pretending to eat our tea and soup.  This was all his idea, by the way.  Then, of course, every so often he'd have to go dump (literally) the tea or soup onto the driveway and we'd start over with a fresh batch.  I just love having little boys!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Mother's Day To Me

One morning recently, I rolled over in the morning, and this is the sight that greeted me. 
My heart immediately just melted.  I can't believe how big these two are getting.  I hope they
always stay buddies like they are now.  They really don't fight or argue all that much and always
play together.  Every time I go to pick them up from school they are always playing together, and every morning
when I drop them off they have to sit next to each other wrapped up in their blankies.

I spent Mother's Day relaxing and planting flowers.  Here's my arrangement.

At school Ty made me this teapot as a Mother's Day gift. 
It had a tea bag attached and on the back he had written, "A cup of
tea for Mommy and Me."

Here we are enjoying our tea together.

Dallas made his Mommy a candle at school for a Mother's Day gift.  What a sweetie!
There's no greater honor than the fact that these two little boys call me Mommy!