Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sick and Tired

This week we've had one boy who is sick (with a cold and an ear infection)...

...and one boy who is tired.  He konked out on the living room floor watching the Waltons with me.

Daddy and Dallas doing their evening paperwork.

 My boys enjoying "A Bug's Life" (aka "Hopper")

A few updates on what the boys have been up to: Ty is loving preschool and comes home every day talking about new things.  Yesterday, when I picked him up he said, "Mommy, did you know that Jesus lives in our hearts?"  He's starting to recognize letters (he's particularly excited when he sees a "T" or "Y" because those are HIS letters).  He saw an "H" the other day and got all excited and told me that was an "H" like "ha...ha...ha...HAT."  (They had hat day last Friday in preparation for learning the letter "H")

Dallas' most impressive skill is his speech.  I don't know of any other one year olds who speak as clearly as he does....and in full sentences sometimes too!  His absolute favorite thing to say right now is "Watch this!"  Which is always quickly followed by, "See that?"  When we were dropping the boys off for their "grandparents' weekend" last weekend, Dallas said, "Ty go Pappaw Taylor's."  He such a little smarty pants.  They both make me so proud!

1 comment:

  1. love the pic of the boys doing their paperwork!
