Friday, August 21, 2015

Around the Homestead

Here's an update of what's been happening around our little wannabe homestead these days.  We got our first honey harvest out of one of our hives....3 whole bars of capped honey.  We got 12 small jars from those bars, and Justin took some to work and had them all sold within 30 minutes.  That same hive has 6 more bars ready, so we will be harvesting again soon!  This particular hive is really productive but also a little aggressive.  I think Justin's been stung about 16 times while working that hive. 

Here's the honey straining from the wax.  My next project....beeswax candles.  I'm so excited!

Last weekend Justin was working on a side job, so the boys and I hung out at the bike park and them came home and made some oatmeal scotchies for Daddy (Dallas's idea).

Our neighbor across the street has a bunch of dead trees in his yard, so we scored all the free firewood we can haul for this winter.  WOOT!  So here's my guys bringing home a load.

and stacking it...

Meet Little Jerry Seinfeld...he's getting ready to make an exit, so just wanted everyone to meet him now.  One of the chicks that I got in the spring turned out to be a rooster.  I thought there for a while I might keep him, but he has started to crow a little and is fighting with the hens.  So if someone on Craigslist doesn't take him within a week, he's making a trip out behind the fence with Justin.  That'll take him down a notch....or a head...whatever.....

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Awesome Weekend

August 1, 2015
Annual Meyer-Najem trip to see the Indians
This year we had extra tickets.  Mammaw without Taloose just happened to stop by our house about an hour before we were getting ready to leave, so we took her with us.  The boys loved that!

Jack's 2nd Birthday Party
August 2

It was a gorgeous weekend and we had such a great time.  The boys and I went to the bike park on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  The only down side to this weekend was that Justin had a side job to do on Saturday morning so we didn't get to see him then.  Also, when he got home he was inspecting the bee hives and they got mad a lit him up.  I had to pull like 3 or 4 stingers out of the poor guys legs.  Otherwise it was a wonderful weekend!!

First Day of School

Ty Douglas Barnhart
starting 2nd grade in Mrs. Chastain's class at Fortville Elementary

 Dallas Matthew Barnhart
starting Kindergarten in Miss Gillum's class at Fortville Elementary

 waiting for the bus

 Ty grabbed Dallas's hand and walked him across the street to the bus.

 Here they are getting off the bus, still holding hands. Grandma Shirley was even there to watch them get off the bus, complete with bags of Nilla Wafers for them.
 They both said that they had a great day but didn't do much.  Dallas said all he did was color, but he seemed to have a good time and he even got on blue (better than "good" behavior) for helping someone push in their chair (he was quick to point out that it was a girl that he helped) and for helping a friend learn how to color in the lines.  On the second day, Ty said he saw a kid at recess who didn't have anyone to play with so he played with him.  I am so proud of them!

Last Day of Summer

July 29, 2015
What a bittersweet day, my very last day of having a preschooler at home with me.  While I can't say I'm not looking forward to two weekdays alone to get done all the things I need to, I am definitely sad that this is the end of an era.  We spent the day together going to the bike park and getting Dairy Queen.  As you can see in the above picture, Dallas lost his 3rd tooth.  For this one he wanted Justin to tie it to the doorknob and it actually worked this time.  He got $3 and 2 small bags of peanut M&M's from the tooth fairy.

We went to the ice cream social and met the boys' teachers.  Ty has Mrs. Chastain, and Dallas has Miss Gillum.

Reading "Curious George's First Day of School" in honor of the first day of school in the morning.