Friday, March 11, 2016

Conversations From the Back Seat

A lot of times when the boys and I are in the car they are in the back seat fighting, but the other day when we were driving to and from Ty's orthodontist appointment, there was some very stimulating conversation going on.  Here's a recap:
Dallas and I were having the who loves who more discussion, and I said, "Well, you know what, Dallas? I love you so much that I would die for you.  Like if someone was trying to kill you I'd let them kill me instead."  Dallas's response: "Oh.  You win.  Well, actually, what would be better instead of either of us getting killed is if we just killed him.  Yeah, I'd go right out to the workshop, grab my BB gun, shove on my safety glasses and get to shootin!"  HA!  I guess I got my point across about the safety glasses!

On the way home from the appointment the boys were playing on their ipads, and Ty said to Dallas, "Dallas, you are so lucky. When I was in kindergarten I didn't get to go to like music and art and all that fun stuff.   I just had to learn like ALL DAY.  And imagine if for 2 whole years you had to do ALL your work on PAPER!  For 2 WHOLE years!"

This one didn't happen in the car but is still funny.  Dallas was jumping off the foot board of my bed and he said (talking to himself), "Dallas, are ya ready to fly?  YES!  Winkie, are ya ready to fly?"  Then with his little out-of-the-side-of-his-mouth voice he says, "yes" like his winkie was answering him.  I about died.

On an unrelated note, meet my new chicks.  We have one White Leghorn that hatched at the boys' preschool, 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes and 2 Speckled Sussex.

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