Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Garden Update

So the gardening is actually going a lot better than I expected.  Above are my peas right before the first harvest.
And here's the first harvest in the pan.  Yum!

Lima beans

Tomatoes.  So far I have 7 little green tomatoes!

My first zucchini before harvest....
....after harvest

I thing I like most about my garden is the fact that I grew everything in it from seed.  All the research I did online for beginning gardeners said not to grow things from seed because it's too hard and you'll get frustrated.  Maybe I'm just an over-achiever, but buying transplants, putting them in your garden and then saying you grew something seems kinda like cheating to me, so I decided to go completely from scratch, and it's worked great so far!  I have lots and lots of potato plants too.  They are starting to die right now, and I was worried that it was because it's been so dry that I just didn't water them enough or that the had gotten some sort of blight.  But Uncle Bill looked at them and he says he thinks they're just dying because they're ready to be harvested.  Woot!  So hopefully in a week or two I'll have some potato pictures to post.

Air Show

This year for the Mt. Comfort Air Show we had Mom, Jim, Mammaw, Uncle Bill, Trista, Elisha and Ellie over for a cookout.
The USAF Thunderbirds flew in the show this year, and we had a GREAT view right from our driveway!  (I wasn't fast enough to be able to catch them with the camera.)
The Thunderbirds had been flying over every day since Thursday, and poor Dallas was TERRIFIED of them because they were sooooo loud (as was Reecie, resulting in her running out of her invisible fence TWICE, ugh)!  Even now, when Dallas hears a regular jet go by or even sometimes loud cars on the road, he runs screaming to me.  The rest of us thought the jets were pretty cool, though.
This week has been HOT! So a dip in the pool was indicated.

Big Boy Undies, etc...

Last Thursday, we began the great "underwear" expirement.  Two hours and four pairs of undies later....we went back to a diaper.haha  However, I did manage to get him to pee on a spiderweb instead of in his undies one time.  He thought that was big fun.  Perhaps we'll try again this week.

summer fun

Pooped!  I love it that Ty is cuddling his muskie, and Dallas has his fingers looped through his blankie just like Ty used to do.


For our 10th anniversary, Justin and I spent 5 days in Gatlinburg, where we went on our honeymoon.

We had a great time, and it was nice to have some time to ourselves, but to be honest, we both missed the boys so much we couldn't wait to get home.  And it didn't help that every time we called my mom's house to talk to them, Ty asked where we were and when we were coming back. 
We saw 3 elk grazing in a field.
Several waterfalls

This was the view from our cabin's hot tub.
We visited a couple of old mills.  That was cool.
Saw a bear in Cade's Cove.  Of course, Justin, Mr. Wildlife spotter, saw this way off in the distance before anyone else and before we knew it there was a traffic jam of people behind us looking at it.

Hillbilly golf...the place we will never again get lost going to!  I golfed here on my 22nd and 32nd birthdays!

I can't believe I've been married to this awesome guy for 10 years!  There's been ups and downs, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.  I love you, J!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Holiday World 2012

This year we camped at Lincoln State Park with Mom and Jim, and Collin, Audrey, Ada and Owen. 

We had a fantastic time at Holiday World, as always.  It was in the 90's so we spent most of our time in the water! 

Enjoying some corn dogs!!

Ty wanted to ride the white water canyon ride...that is, until he got up to the front of the line.  Then he started saying he didn't want to anymore and that he was scared.  But, once I explained to him that it's just like a big boat ride and promised to hold his hand the whole way through, he had a blast and wanted to go on it again and again. 

Ellie came to join us on our second day at Holiday World.

Nap time

You can't go to Holiday World and not get ice cream.

3 cousins on the boats

 Lightning bugs

 We also visited the Lincoln's Boyhood Home National Park and saw where Honest Abe grew up.  The boys weren't all that interested.  Ty complained about being thirsty the whole time and kept asking if we could go yet.  But I thought it was neat.

Feeding the chickens