Monday, June 25, 2012

Our Little Graduate

Ty's preschool had an end of year program with all the 3 year old classes.  Each class represented a color of the rainbow (Ty's class was blue), and they all sang songs.
During one of the first songs that the kids sang, they waved these purple ribbons.  Unfortunately, after the song was over, the teachers didn't take the ribbons away.  So, for the rest of the program, Ty played with his ribbon instead of singing the songs.

Ty had a great time at preschool this year.  He learned new things, made some new friends, and I think developed his first crush on his teacher.  One night, close to the end of the school year when he knew he wasn't going to get to see her anymore, he asked me, "Mommy, can I call you Mrs. Heideman?" HA!

Here's Ty and his heartthrob
getting his "diploma"

and a bag of goodies from Mrs. Heideman and Mrs. Schildemeyer

end of school picnic

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