Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Garden Update

So the gardening is actually going a lot better than I expected.  Above are my peas right before the first harvest.
And here's the first harvest in the pan.  Yum!

Lima beans

Tomatoes.  So far I have 7 little green tomatoes!

My first zucchini before harvest....
....after harvest

I thing I like most about my garden is the fact that I grew everything in it from seed.  All the research I did online for beginning gardeners said not to grow things from seed because it's too hard and you'll get frustrated.  Maybe I'm just an over-achiever, but buying transplants, putting them in your garden and then saying you grew something seems kinda like cheating to me, so I decided to go completely from scratch, and it's worked great so far!  I have lots and lots of potato plants too.  They are starting to die right now, and I was worried that it was because it's been so dry that I just didn't water them enough or that the had gotten some sort of blight.  But Uncle Bill looked at them and he says he thinks they're just dying because they're ready to be harvested.  Woot!  So hopefully in a week or two I'll have some potato pictures to post.

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