Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mommy's Littlest Man

And here he is, the third love of my yet to be determined.
These ultrasound pictures were taken at 30 weeks. I went in for my regular 30 week visit, and the doctor decided that we should do another ultrasound since my tummy measured a little bit small for dates. This, of course, was fine with me...any chance to see the baby. I knew this was nothing to worry over. I'm just small; been hearing that my whole life. I had an extra ultrasound with Ty too for being small. So we went in the next day for the ultrasound, and the baby measured right on target. They estimate he weights about 3.5 lbs. The only measurement that was slightly behind was his head circumference, but apparently that's just because both my boys are going to inherit their mommy's tiny head....stuffed full of brains, though, of course!!

If it isn't obvious, the picture below is further proof that he's a boy. With Ty I used to have nightmares that they had made a mistake on the ultrasound and he was actually a girl, and there I was with all this blue stuff and not a shred of anything even remotely girly. I don't believe I'll be having any of those dreams this time around. It has been more than obvious on every ultrasound that this is a boy. In retrospect, it was obvious on Ty's ultrasounds too. I guess I just second guessed everything since it was the first time around.

This pregnancy has been a great one, just like with Ty. I'm 30 weeks and 4 days along as I write this, and so far I have gained 20 pounds. (I gained 41 altogether with Ty, which I'll probably get close to matching by the end of this pregnancy. The baby must really be trying to put on some weight now because I feel hungry ALL the time. Justin would say that's nothing out of the ordinary for me. But now it's worse, and I literally feel like I could eat nonstop...doesn't really matter what, no particular cravings.) I'm starting to get a little bit uncomfortable now, but not anything too serious...just a sore spot under my right ribcage where I think there's a foot poking me (oddly enough, I had this in the exact same spot with Ty...perhaps these boys are in cahoots already.) I'm a little slower getting around, I get winded pretty easily now, and it's getting hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but it's perfectly fine with me. I wouldn't trade it for anything because I know the end results will be so worth it I won't give my own slight discomforts a second thought. Anyway, I guess I am one of those lucky women who enjoys being pregnant. I never really had any morning sickness with either one. I just love feeling the baby kick and move around. While I know that by the time I deliver this baby, I'll be ready to have my body back to myself, pregnancy is one of those things that I'm really going to miss. It's bittersweet for me this time around because, while overall I'm enjoying all the phases of the pregnancy, it's going so fast this time. What's worse is I know this is the last one. I'm sure the reason it seems like it's going so fast is because I have a 2 year old to chase around, so I can't just sit around and think about the new baby all the time, even though I do that plenty. But it feels like it's going to be over in the blink of an eye, and I don't get to have this experience again. I'll miss it. But on the bright side, I'll have the world's two cutest boys to show for it. Who could ask for anything more? Your mommy loves you Little Boy, and I can't wait to meet you.


  1. Can't wait to meet the little one. We need to see Ty again. He changes so fast.
    I'm glad you've started this blog Blaine, it's nice to hear your thoughts. I doubt that I've ever told you this, and this may not be the most appropriate venue, but I'm as proud to say that you're my sister as a brother can be.

  2. WOW!! to the comment above from your brother! Dang! That's sweet!

    Just wondered about when you say that this is your last pregnancy and you won't experience it there a reason why (medically, etc.) or you guys are just done with two? Just wondered the tone and meaning behind it.

  3. Hey, Jaime! Good to hear from you. No, there's no medical reason we're not having husband just says 2's enough. I actually had to do a lot of convincing to even get this one. He was perfectly happy to stop after Ty, so I know trying to convince him to have a third would be futile. He's probably right anyway.
