Monday, November 30, 2009

What I'm Thankful For...

Lately Ty has developed a real fascination with the vacuum for some reason. I'm not sure what it is, but I probably have some of the cleanest floors around because the sweeper gets run at least once a day if not more. He runs around saying, "Do again sweeper" until you get it out and sweep. He likes to ride on it when Justin sweeps, but if I'm sweeping he won't ride it. He pushes his lawn mower along beside me and pretends that he is sweeping too. Too cute.

We're not really sure if Ty understands the concept of his "Baby Brother" yet. If you ask him where his baby brother is, he'll come over and point to my belly. But then sometimes he'll walk away from me and go over to Justin, lift his shirt up and start looking for the baby brother in daddy's tummy!!! One day he was eating fruit snacks and he brought one up to me and tried to feed it to his brother through my bellybutton. HA! His latest thing is to put his hands on my tummy and say, "He movin'!" (whether he is or not). We'll see how much fun Ty thinks he is after he's born.

I just thought this one was's strongest toddler can lift a tractor with one hand.

Here we are at Mammaw and Pappaw Ogden's house on Thanksgiving riding the bouncy horse that has been ridden by every grandkid and great grandkid for at least the past 30 years.

Visiting Uncle Elisha at the fire station on Thanksgiving.

Ty in his "hide out." I think this is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Justin has recently taught him how to make a hide out with blankets, and he is totally into it. He even calls it a hide out, which just cracks me up. He takes his toys in there and sometimes a flashlight and just plays and plays. He pops his head out every now and then and yells "Roar!" to scare us. He's such a boy!

Chocolate milk mustache

Helping Aunt Trista and Uncle Elisha with their lights.

2 basketball bellies. Mommy won't have hers much longer!

1 comment:

  1. he is adorable Blaine. Love the chocolate milk mustache and the belly button feeding trick!
