Saturday, July 20, 2013

Visiting Cousins

As I mentioned earlier, we went to South Carolina to visit Olivia for our family vacation this year, all the while holding our breath that we would not be driving all the way down there just to turn around and come home for baby Jack's birth.  But, he decided to hold out, so here are the highlights from our vacation.  On the way down, we stopped at a lake to fish (we can't go on vacation without fishing involved!)
We spent the first few days hanging out with Liv, Nick and the kids at their house.  It rained most of the time so we just hung out at their house.  One day we went to the South Carolina State Museum.  The boys thought that was really cool because there was a huge shark hanging from the ceiling.
They have a kitten named Boots and Dallas fell in love with him.  He kept calling him "Bootsies" which I thought was just the cutest thing.  He told me, "Mommy, Bootsies is my best friend."
On the evening of July 4th we put the boat in the ocean at Charleston to watch the fireworks.  That was really cool, but resulted in a very stressful boat ramp experience while putting the boat back on the trailer.

At Folly Beach...the boys' first trip to the ocean.  They LOVED IT!  They had a blast jumping in the waves.

At one point it started to rain all the sudden and everyone on the beach ran to their cars (including us).  By the time we got to the car it had stopped raining and the sun was back out.  So we ventured back out to the beach and Liv, Nick and the kids came to join us.

Visiting Oak Hill Plantation outside of Charleston
The boys on the Avenue of Oaks
This tree the boys are standing on is over 600 years old!

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